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My DA will explore how mindfulness and gaming go hand-in-hand in a number of different ways, including exploring the use of mindfulness to improve the gaming experience and using gaming as a form of mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

There’s existing research that explores this area of interest, including research into how digital games can improve mindfulness, what does it mean to be a mindful gamer and how mindfulness games can improve attention.


My DA is aimed at gamers who are looking to incorporate mindfulness practices into their routine to help improve their mood, stress and feelings – especially when it comes to gaming. These mindfulness techniques and resources can also be used outside of gaming to help remain calm in stressful situations and decrease anxiety.

I aim to post a blog post once every 2 weeks, while simultaneously documenting any changes in my gamer friends’ experiences using mindfulness techniques through a video series. I’m also considering starting up an Instagram page to document the journey along with engaging on reddit to understand more about gaming and mindfulness.


I currently work casually as a marketing associate at EQ Minds – a space that aims to educate people about mental health with a focus on  sleep, mindfulness, vision and productivity. From this, I have learnt about mindfulness and it’s impact on the brain. As I am provided with free resources and education around this, I thought it was a good opportunity to incorporate it in to my DA.

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  1. gracegoll

    Reblogged this on Game Cultures.


  2. Casey Lydia

    I really resonate with your analysis of mindfulness and its application to the gaming industry. I feel that this is an interesting and unique concept that will have significant utility for your intended audience. Your presentation is clear, concise and beautifully communicated.

    In your pitch, you described your intention to undertake primary research alongside the progression of your digital artefact. I think this a brilliant idea! However, I also believe that you should expand upon it. There is evidence that suggests that running an online presence across several social medias is worthwhile. You can find more information about this in in the article I’ve linked. https://digitalagencynetwork.com/why-you-should-be-using-multiple-social-media-platforms/

    I recommend utilising a platform such as Twitter. Through Twitter you could share the process of your research and use it to expand your content. For example you could share updates, progress and images taken when conducting your research. This would aid a FIST principle more so than blog posts alone and would also allow you to better utilise feedback loops.

    I also recommend further analysis of ‘The Australian Game Development Industry’ by Sam Hinton. Though we have already explored it in class, it’s great for expanding your knowledge on the development of gaming culture in Australia. I feel this would be a good concept to link with the development of mindfulness in gaming as one of your blog posts. It would allow you to better evaluate the link between behaviours in gaming and mental wellness.

    Click to access Sam%20Hinton%20Australian%20Games%20Industry.pdf

    I hope my comment was helpful! I really enjoyed your discussion and can’t wait to see your digital artefact progress.


    Britten, C., 2020. Why You Should Be Using Multiple Social Media Platforms. [online] Digital Agency Network. Available at:

    Hinton, Sam. 2009. Gaming Nation: The Australian Game Development Industry. in Gaming Cultures and Place in the Asia Pacific Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan eds. Routledge: New York.File
